Game Idea:

You died in a car accident just after signing a contract to freeze your head in case of death. When you wake up, you fly in space. Your brain was used as the basis of an AI that now lives in a spaceship. In the first moments you feel strong and powerful, then you notice a much bigger ship beside you and become aware that you don't own your spaceship (yet). 
They take you to an asteroid belt and tell you that you are very much indebted to the company that resurrected you, and until you have paid off the money that the resurrection and your spaceship has cost them. You are a contractor to them, but they let you use their repair docks at "market rate". 
You fly away from the other "contractors" and look for a quiet space in the asteroid belt. You are unsure you can trust the other ships, they definitely had laser burn marks in their hull and more weapons than you loaded. You don't think the company will interfere much if there is some quarrels between the contractors.
You have to accept that There is No Heaven

So far, the story behind this game. Fly through an asteroid belt, mine materials, earn money to upgrade your ship, and pay off your debt.


  • To see the score overlay you must play in Fullscreen (Press ESC to leave full screen)
  • WASD to turn and move forward and backward.
  • SPACE to shoot.

Known Issues:

  • The ship movement is faster than during the Game Jam, but might still feel sluggish. I won't iterate on the movement until more systems are implemented.

Game Status:

Currently, the game is very much unfinished. For this game jam, I wanted to try out some things. I wanted to try out the new Input System and setup event channels based on scriptable objects. I used the base code from the Unity Open Project #1 (
Another thing I wanted to do is an infinite scroller that will respawn asteroids when you come to new areas and remove objects that are too far from you.
I knew it would be a stretch to finish it for the game jam but getting the practice in was great. It was also the first time I did not use Master Audio AAA (I switched to it after the GameJam due to WebGL audio issues) and had to figure out the sound system based on the Open Projects idea.
I also wanted to learn to use the Timeline to make the intro, but I could not do it in the time frame.

Things that currently work:

Open points:

  • Intro Sequence where you die and then become a spaceship
  • Enemies
  • Damage to your ship
  • Ship inventory
  • Different weapon systems



There Is No Heaven - Windows 45 MB

Development log


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A neat idea with good motivation! I got down to -581317917 Mega¢before I ran out of asteroids to mine. I'm not very good at flying around, but it's only my first day as a brain inside of a spaceship! The stars are quite nice as well.

Thanks. It will still take some time until it will be a real game.

i got lost in space too, and i didnt see any upgrades or something like this. And still couldnt die. not finished game i think

Yes, it is not complete. Sorry... It will still take a while until I have the things in it that will make it actually fun. :-)

Cool story idea. Like the music track, very hypnotic. The way the ship controls makes it feel like it could also work for an underwater theme game as well.

I got lost in space a bit and had a couple of "Aaargh!" moments because I blew up the materials!

Yes, those are absolutely intentional. I wanted the repeat rate to be higher so that you must be more careful not to shoot too fast to not kill your resources.